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An advanced feature of GEDitCOM is to export genealogy data into another form including other GEDCOM files, text reports, and complete web sites. The exporting process is controlled by Export Styles. The following table has downloads for Export Styles that any GEDitCOM user can load into GEDitCOM and try out for new ways of exporting genealogy data. These legacy export styles work only in GEDitCOM 3.82 (or older) and do not work in the new GEDitCOM II.

The best way to install these styles is to run GEDitCOM and use the Download Export Style... menu command. GEDitCOM will download the selected style and load it into GEDitCOM. If you like it and want to keep it, you can then use the Save Current Style As... menu command to save it on your disk. If you download from the following table, you can open that file in GEDitCOM using the Export Style→Other... submenu command.

Export Style Description
Standard Website Exports a collection of files to convert your GEDCOM data to a web site. Upload all files to any server to have your own genealogy web site. Many features can be customized.
Pedigree Website Exports a collection of files to convert your GEDCOM data to another type of web site. Upload all files to any server to have your own genealogy web site. Many features can be customized. This create web site has pedigree charts for each individual and a narrative description of the data in their record.
Site web standard Identical to Standard Website except the web site is translated into French.
Surname Report Export a report of all surnames in the current file, the frequency of repeated surnames, and the total number of unique surnames.
Calendar Dates Exports select dates to a tab-delimited spread sheet file. Sort in spread sheet software to have all important dates listed for a genealogy calendar.
Change Place Name Make a global change to a place name in all PLAC tags in the GEDCOM file.
GEDCOM to GEDCOM Exports all data to a copy of the GEDCOM file. By inserting templates for various tags it is easy to convert this Export Style into one that can make selected changes to GEDCOM files.
Embed Notes GEDCOM Exports all data to a new GEDCOM file, but transfers all notes in separate GEDCOM NOTE records to be embedded notes within other records. Useful when dealing with other software that does not support GEDCOM NOTE records.
Unembed Notes GEDCOM Exports all data to a new GEDCOM file, but transfers all embedded notes to separate GEDCOM NOTE records. Useful when you get a file from software that does not support GEDCOM NOTE records.
GEDCOM No Notes Exports all data to a new GEDCOM file, but removes all notes in the file.
Privacy GEDCOM Exports the current GEDCOM file to another GEDCOM file, but for all records marked as "privacy" records, it will export only their names and family links. All personal information (dates, notes, sources, pictures, etc.) will be removed from the file.
Deceased GEDCOM Exports the current GEDCOM file to another GEDCOM file, but removes all living individuals from the file.
Fix Family Roots There is an old Mac program called "Family Roots" that exports a very old style GEDCOM file. If you get a GEDCOM file from "Family Roots", this export style may be able to fix all or most of it.
Fix Reunion Notes Reunion 6.0 (an maybe more) has a error in the way it exports GEDCOM NOTE records. If you get a GEDCOM file from Reunion, this export style may be able to fix it.
Titlecase Names Exports a new GEDCOM file in which all the individual names in the new file use title case style, such as: John Albert Smith.
Uppercase Names Exports a new GEDCOM file in which all the individual names in the new file use upper case style, such as: JOHN ALBERT SMITH.
Uppercase Surnames Exports a new GEDCOM file in which all the individual surnames in the new file use upper case style, such as: John Albert SMITH.
GEDCOM to GEDXML Converts the GEDCOM file to an XML file. There is no standard XML format for genealogy files; this style uses one proposed, but not adopted, by the GEDCOM group.
GEDCOM No LDS Exports all data to a new GEDCOM file, but removes all LDS Ordinances in the file.
GEDCOM with User Dates Exports all data to a new GEDCOM file, but changes all dates into any user-defined custom format for dates.
Empty Exporting Exports nothing. It is a good place to start to write an Export Style that exports a small amount or data from the file. Simply add templates for the items you want to export.
Move TEXT to CONT Moves all text on TEXT lines to a subordinate CONT line. This export is needed for compatibility with some GEDCOM tools that do not correctly read notes on TEXT lines (for example, the software ged2wwwf.ppc needs this conversion.
Revise CONT Endings This export style will revise all CONT and CONC line to break in the middle of a word and never end in a blank character. Some programs that read GEDCOM files misinterpret notes unless they are formatted with breaks in the middle of words.
Repair SEX Some applications and web sites create GEDCOM files in which the SEX line of each individuals is "Male" or "Female". This approach is not valid GEDCOM. This export style will convert all SEX values to the standard "M" or "F".
Trim One Member Families This Export Style will export to a new GEDCOM file and remove all FAMILY records that have one or zero members. Usually some family groups are not needed in the file.
Statistics This Export Style will export a short report with statistical information about the current GEDCOM file such as number of males and females, average ages, average ages at marriage, etc..
Fix MacFamilyTree The MacOS X program called MacFamilyTree does some odd things when exporting GEDCOM files (at least some versions have these problems, maybe not all). This export style will fix some known problems and get you closer to a good GEDCOM file.
Fix INDI to FAM Links Some GEDCOM files from ancestry.com were found to have missing links. They had links from families to individuals, but no links back. This export style will fix such files.
Fix FTM Long-Tag GEDCOM For some reason Family Tree Maker (FTM) has an option to export GEDCOM files in which every tag is invalid (e.g., it expands INDI to INDIVIDUAL). The best way to fix such files is to go back to FTM and request a "valid" GEDCOM export. But if you do not have access to both FTM and the original FTM file, this export style can fix it within GEDitCOM. It requires a few steps as explained in the "_ReadMe_ Record Exporting" template once you download the style.
SURN and GIVN Fields This export style will examine all NAME fields and create SURN and GIVN fields subordinate to the NAME structure. Although GEDitCOM does not use these fields, they can be used for some things (e.g., display in the index window), or have uses with other GEDCOM products.

A downloaded export style can only be opened in a version of GEDitCOM newer or equal to the one that created the uploaded file. If your version of GEDitCOM is too old, you will be informed. The solution is to update to the latest version of GEDitCOM.

Last Updated: 7 June 2009