GEDitCOM II Release Notes

This page highlights the new features in each new release of GEDitCOM II. More details on all features can be found by choosing "GEDitCOM II Help" from the "Help" menu while running GEDitCOM II.

Version 3.2 (16 JUN 2024 to 22 DEC 2024)

This release has numerous new features. They are described better by downloading and reading the "What's New" help topic, which lists all new features with links to their new documentation. Many of the new features were requested by users on the GEDitCOM II Discussion Group (thanks for the suggestions). The following is a partial listing of new features:

Version 3.1 (19 FEB 2024 to 12 MAR 2024)

Version 3.0 (10 Jul 2022 to 27 Mar 2023)

Version 2.7 (build 1: 30 DEC 2020, build 2: 27 FEB 2021, build 3: 9 Apr 2021, build 4: 2 May 2021, build 5: 30 May 2021, build 6:20 JUL 2021, build 7:10 SEP 2021)

Version 2.6, (build 1: 31 MAY 2020, build 3: 15 SEP 2020, build 4: 21 SEP 2020, build 5: 31 OCT 2020, build 6: 23 Nov 2020)

Version 2.5, builds 1 and 2 (released Mar-Apr 2020)

Version 2.4 (released June 2018)

Version 2.3 (released 17 Nov 2016)

Version 2.1, build 2 (released 17 Jun 2015)

This minor update to the initial posting of version 2.1 correctly reindexed the help information, updated a couple of extension, and fixed one bug. In addition it may solve an issue some users had with the system claiming that GEDitCOM II is not from an "Indentified" developer (it is and hopefully will not be recognized as such).

Version 2.1 (released 3 Jun 2015)

One reason for this version was you handle issues in Yosemite. This change and others are:

Version 2.0 (released 17 Aug 2014)

The most signficant changes were the introduction of "Extensions" (or GEDitCOM II plug ins), dynamic editing in trees, and redesigned help window:

Version 1.8 (released 30 Sep 2012)

This minor update is mainly to sign the code in the Apple-approved (and insisted) manner so Mountain Lion will not warn you the code is unsiged. Besides this fix, a few minor changes were:

Version 1.7 build 4 (released 12 Jun 2012)

This build mainly improved the script of generating a book using LaTeX including much better support for Unicode characters. A few other minor changes were made too.

Version 1.7 build 3 (released 20 Apr 2012)

This version fixed a couple of minor bugs and made some imrpovements in the book export to include tree charts in the book and a new format to help making books.

Version 1.7 build 2 (released 6 Feb 2012)

Whenever a new version comes out (such as Version 1.7) some features do not make it or some great ideas arise due to user feedback on using that version. Sometimes urgent bug fixes or needed. Fortunately, no serious bugs are know in version 1.7, but some good ideas came in and this upgrade responds to some of them:

Version 1.7 (released 6 Feb 2012)

This upgrade added three major features along with several minor ones. You should especially read about the new application support folders and the new place records before starting to use this version.

Version 1.6, build 2 (released 9 Feb 2011)

This upgrade added some major improvements for scripting of GEDitCOM II using python. In addition it incorporated some interface enhancements and fixed all known issues.

Version 1.6 (released 13 Nov 2010)

The most visible changes were enhancement of trees to adjust cells to hold text and to have more customization options, a new memo feature to attach a quick note to any editing field, and upgrades in the GEDitCOM Editor toward an integrated development environment (IDE) for genealogy interfaces and scripts. Besides these main features, many others things were added.

Version 1.5, build 2 (released 26 Aug 2010)

The main new feature is the "Address Book" format for editing of records. Although this format is not included in the installation package, you can download it from the formats download page. This new version is required to use this format. To create this new format, some new features were needed. Finally, a few minor bugs were fixed.

Version 1.5 (released 11 July 2010)

This release is a free upgrade. The biggest change is to extend scripting capabilities of GEDitCOM II to Python and Ruby scripts as well as the previous AppleScripting capabilities. This new option may open up scripting to more people and allow scripts to tap more options, such as Python libraries. Besides improved scripting, numerous other enhancements were added as well.

Version 1.4 (released 19 April 2010)

This release is a free upgrade. It adds a major feature to create thumbnails for multimedia objects and many other minor improvements. Improvements in the formatting language made a new format possible that displays your data like Wikipedia entries. Finally, this version also opens up GEDitCOM II to be free as a GEDCOM data reader so you can share data easily with anyone that has a Mac.

Version 1.3 (released 09 January 2010)

This release is a free upgrade. It made major enhancements in generation of very large trees with numerous interconnections, added much more power to the AppleScripting interface, and numerous other improvements picked by us or suggested by users.

Version 1.2 (released 7 November 2009)

This release is a free upgrade. It redesigned some formats, enhanced embedded html content, added support for same-sex couples, and numerous other improvements picked by us or suggested by users.

Version 1.1 (released 17 August 2009)

This release is a free, maintenance upgrade. It fixed a few minor issues in version 1.0, incorporated numerous user suggestions, and made great enhancements to the AppleScripting features including a new script to create a web site and a progress panel that appears while scripts are running. Some user suggestions did not make this release but most of those are still on the "to do" list.

Version 1.0 (released 7 June 2009)

This was the first official release of GEDitCOM II. Following the first posting, a few minor updates were posted (as indicated by build numbers from 1 to 5 in the "About GEDitCOM II" panel. Changes made in those extra builds were made official in GEDitCOM II, version 1.1 and are listed above in these release notes.

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