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GEDitCOM Downloads


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Final Version: GEDitCOM 3.82

GEDitCOM 3.82 has been replaced by GEDitCOM II. You should visit the GEDitCOM II website for the latest in Macintosh genealogy software. This website if for legacy downloads of the last version of GEDitCOM which is 3.82. The two downloads in the table are identical copies of GEDitCOM that can be used to browse/view GEDCOM files. The first is a MacOS X disk image (preferred for all users with Mac OS X - any version). The other is only if the first does not work on your Mac (very uncommon and it requires Stuffit to be expanded). The free browser/viewer can be converted to a full-featured editor by purchasing an unlocking code.

GEDitCOM Download Size (MB) Updated
Download OS X Disk Image (.dmg) GEDitCOM 3.82 1.81 7 June 2009
Download Stuffed (.sit) GEDitCOM 3.82 1.37 7 June 2009

GEDitCOM is a Carbon application which requires MacOS 8.1 or newer (but it has not be tested outside MacOS X in a long time). With MacOS X, it runs as a native MacOS X application. The "Stuffed" version requires the FREE StuffIt Expander (or equivalent tool). The downloaded GEDitCOM application has a Help menu that includes the complete manual.

Last Updated: 7 June 2009